Unbinding Isaac, Etymology and the Gates of Hell - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 19

You can watch this and every episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QymrUZoP_Hs

This we discuss how the Binding of Isaac serves as type of Christ, and the points that connect the two stories. From the inability of the mothers (Sarah and Mary) to have children, the death and resurrection of God’s son as portrayed in Isaac life and made literal in Jesus’ life, the promise that their descendants will posses the gates their enemies, finding a bride, and the role of the Holy Spirit (or Comforter) in preparing the bride for her groom. Along the way we talk about the purity culture, the origin of the word testify, and other oddities.

Scriptures from this episode:

Genesis 22, Genesis 24,

Deuteronomy 22: 28,29

Matthew 16: 13-20

Romans 8:32

Resources from this episode:

Reversing Hermon by Dr. Michael Heiser (Book) - https://amzn.to/2Ei3hq0

Waterman Ukulele - https://amzn.to/2X7Cow5

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