"I see multi-colored dots."
For a long while, our daughter has told us she sees rainbow-colored dots floating around, all the time, everywhere. We thought they were spirits, but they didn't act like spirits. They didn't react to us or to prayer; they just seemed to float around.I believed they were artifacts floating on her retina. You know, those squiggly little things that float on your eye that you can't seem to get rid of... Well, no. She sees dots. Bright, multi-colored dots.
And she sees them all the time.She also sees lights outlining people and some objects, like pictures. She only recently realized we didn't see the lights too.Once we prayed against the multi-colored dots, and nothing happened. I think she felt bad that the "prayer didn't work", so she said there were fewer dots, but I don't think that was really the case.We have had her eyes checked, and there is nothing wrong with her. Aside from being an intelligent young girl who sees spirits, she's, you know, normal!Multi-colored dots. What are they? Some time ago, my wife became concerned with our daughter seeing these things, so she asked me to research it the next day.Instead, I took half the day to help at a project at our church. During the day, the parent of a 12 year old came up to me and asked if my wife and I would be willing to chat with her about her son. He ... saw things.I smiled. I asked, "Multi-colored dots?"Her eyes widened. Yep.Ok, when comes to spirit stuff, I don't believe in coincidences.I asked further questions. "Does he see spirits?""Yes.""Does he see angels?""Yes.""Does he see demons?""Sometimes."Yes, seers are everywhere. And some of them see multi-colored dots.Well, what are they?I am not sure. Could they be some sort of quantum connection to the higher dimensions, such as the spirit world? I don't know.What about lights around people? Well, this is probably something called an aura. What is an aura? Some kind of emanation reflecting a life force of someone... maybe? I don't know. We'll look into it.But if you are a Seer or a parent of a Seer, then please know... this is normal!See this page for more details.