Site Updates
I decided to make some changes to this site. I found the overall look and feel hard to see, pun intended. Also, I thought I'd bring the overall worldview that I hold more into the spotlight, so some of the boilerplate language has been changed.I attended a youth retreat with about 400 other adult leaders and teens, and some amazing things happened. I was privileged to meet several high school students who are seers. In fact, during a workshop I hosted (attended by about a hundred students and adults) about something not related to this topic, I asked, "What do you guys notice? What do you see?"
Several people indicated very specific things in the spirit realm that they could see. I was quite surprised. I wasn't expecting that at all. Afterwards, a couple of them came up to me, and we spoke, and they opened up about their gift. It was awesome.In addition, heading into the weekend, a prophetic ministry team received messages related to the divine destiny for each student and leader who attended, and wrote them on each person's name tag. (Will explain how that happens later). Here's what was written on mine: I don't entirely understand the literal implications of this message but the double use of the words "see" regarding things I can and cannot see struck me. It resonates, somehow.Anyway, I felt like I should be more assertive in the divine intentions the seeing gift is intended for, and part of that symbolically is related to making this site more readable.I'll share some of the experiences I heard from the seers I met in the coming days.