Smoking Weed and Seeing Things
"The Gateway Drug"
Pot, marijuana, or weed is often called a "Gateway Drug," to imply that smoking pot is like opening a gate down a path to using more dangerous drugs. Once you start smoking pot, it is said, then before long, you'll be using heroin next, and, by golly, that can kill ya.That's not why smoking pot is the "Gateway Drug."
I'm not advocating smoking pot. I'm also not really in favor of laws that punish people for possessing it either. (Interesting turn of the phrase, "possessing" it).I know some experience pain for which only smoking pot provides relief, with little or no side effects. I know for others, smoking pot provides relief from the stress of modern life.That said, smoking pot can open gateways to spirit oppression, which some seers can actually see.I first suspected this impact from smoking pot over the summer of 2013. A teenager I knew who had a relatively healthy relationship Jesus Christ. She had been personally and instantly healed of some injuries and was recovering from some emotional turmoil through the peace than can only come from Jesus.Then she smoked pot. She came out of the experience doubting all of the supernatural, despite a number of supernatural experiences she personally had. She was also oppressed by demonic nightmares. Upon some investigation, we eventually learned that the pot had opened a doorway and invited in demonic influence to her.I have been aware that certain drugs open spirit portals, which have largely negative effects to people's psyche and spirit. These drugs include LSD, DMT, absinthe, and consuming certain other "spirits" of plants, and others that even include certain prescription drugs. Historically, witch doctors and occultists used drugs to open spirit portals.
An ancient Greek word for witchcraft is pharmekeia, from which we get the English word "pharmacy" or "pharmaceuticals."
I had thought that smoking marijuana was fairly harmless, and for some people, it may be.But for others, it's the Gateway Drug, and smoking it opens gates to spiritual oppression.
Smoking Weed and Seeing Things
Check out these two testimonies I encountered on the Canary Cry forum. We were discussing the pineal gland, which some believe is how our brains access the spiritual world.
...I feel like my pineal gland has always been open - ever since I was a child I could see in the spirit realm. When I was old enough to do drugs - things really began to accelerate in regards to what I could see / what I learned and what I was able to do. I came to a point where this sucker was too far opened - if that even happens - but things got dark - very very dark and all I could see was demonic. I got saved and slowly but surely my mind was restored and my pineal gland was back to "normal". I asked this question because I know a brother who can't see and is spiritually frustrated and so he started using marijuana. His pineal gland started to open and he felt this was a good thing - which it can be only if assisted by God...
To which another poster replied:
I just recently ended my 3 yr stent with weed. It will definatly aid in the process but its like sneaking through the back door into that relm. Doing it with Jesus is the only way to be escorted safetly through it. If not then u are giving satan an invitation or a "door" to do as he wishes. As u saw when things got "dark", its not a place you wanna go unprotected. Tell ur friend its worth taking the long road with God rather than the quick route that has very lasting negative effects. The enemies u see are scary, but the ones that attach to u unknowingly are the hardest to fight. Thats what happens with drugs. On the flip side walking in the power of the Holy Spririt is the BEST high ive ever had (and I managed a dispensary In California for a year lol).
So here are three examples that link pot use to spiritual oppression, and in each case, the users saw spirits while asleep or awake. No, it's not scientific, but it's enough for an anecdotal lesson! Be very careful if you use weed for whatever reason. It can lead to spiritual oppression and/or strongholds of disbelief in the truth of who Jesus really is.In each case mentioned above, Jesus assisted with freeing the users from the spirits and in using pot. Only Jesus can really close those portals that users open, whether they use drugs, Ouija boards, physical, sexual, or mental abuse, or even animal sacrifice.Yes, animal sacrifice. My wife has helped deliver someone who engaged in animal sacrifices and was under terrible spiritual oppression. It's is alive and well in the 21st Century and boy, does it open portals. How this relates to seers is this: they see what is causing the terrible destruction wrought on human lives by the spirits summoned through the portals, humans who in fact deserve love and grace. More on all of that later.For those who feel the need to smoke pot, aside from pain-related physical issues, my question is this: why do you feel the need? What is prompting this feeling? The chances are, the true answer to fill this need is not a drug, but a Person, and that person is Jesus.