"I see multi-colored dots." For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, TestimoniesAugust 20, 2012angels, aura, demons, i see angels, i see demons, i see multi-colored dots, i see spirits, multi-colored dots, seers, spirits Comments
"It was trying to get in but it couldn't." For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, TestimoniesAugust 8, 2012demons, nightmares, portals, prayer, spirits, vampiresComment
"I am a seer" - A Teenage Seer Testimony For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, TestimoniesAugust 6, 2012christianity, seers, teenage seer, teenager, youth group Comments
School Spirits For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, Seers in the Media, TestimoniesJuly 6, 2012death, old woman, prayer, school spirits, spiritsComment
A Child Seer Encounters a Spirit For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, TestimoniesJuly 6, 2012blue man, ghosts, seers, spiritsComment
Seers can help drive away demons and other spirits. For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, TestimoniesJuly 6, 2012demons, Jesus, seersComment
"You know, like how Jesus smells." For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, TestimoniesJune 20, 2012Jesus, seers, smellComment
Why are some people Seers? For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our StoryJune 20, 2012christianity, pastors, spirits, worship Comments
"It's right there!!!" For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, TestimoniesJune 20, 2012demons, dragons, in the name of JesusComment
Seers see demons. But what are demons? For non-seers, For SeersJune 18, 2012angels, demons, fallen angels, nephilim, spirits, Titans Comments
"The room was full of spirits." For non-seers, For Parents, For SeersJune 4, 2012demons, native american, spirits, zumbaComment
When a seers says, "It was nothing. Nevermind." For non-seers, For Parents, For Seers, Our Story, TestimoniesMay 30, 2012ghosts, spiritsComment
"I think I see spirits." For SeersMay 30, 2012angels, demons, dimensions, Elisha, flood, ghosts, giants, God, gods, nephilim, portals, seers, spirits, TitansComment