In this episode, we talk about the big picture story of the Bible as a chiasm or “sandwich" - that God made creation for a specific purpose, and that God is bringing creation toward that purpose one step at a time. This story centers on Jesus - His incarnation, life, ministry, death, and resurrection.
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In this episode, we talk about the good news that God isn't done with creation. The brokenness that we see around us isn't permanent! God has great plans to restore creation and bring people into His family, through Jesus.
Read MoreIn this episode, I pivot to looking at the big picture “good news” - beginning with the recognition that when God made creation, He called it “good”, and when God made humankind, He called us “very good.”
Read MoreIn this episode, I take a quick look at the third facet of the bad news that ultimate Good News needs to address - natural “evil".
Read MoreIn this episode, I continue our look at the "bad news", setting the baseline for our look at the truly Good News - the big picture Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Read MoreIn this episode, I start our look at the “big picture” Gospel, by giving us a baseline, the “bad news” - the current human condition.
Read MoreIn this episode, I discuss the relationship between the "Romans Road" approach to presenting the Gospel, and the things I'll be discussing as we move forward.
Read MoreThis episode explores some of the big reasons Christians need to be sharing the Gospel. We’re familiar with some of these, but I hope something new here catches your attention, and helps Christians step beyond their comfort zones to share the hope they have with those around them.
Read MoreIn this episode, we explore reasons why it can be hard for Christians to share the Gospel. These are things we need to overcome, if we're going to be effective witnesses!
Read MoreWelcome to the Tending Our Nets podcast!
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